Friday, November 11, 2011

Yusef Komunyakaa, "We Never Know"

So, today concludes the last week that you will be reading and writing about your reading for this class. For this last official post, call it "Finally," maybe, I would like you to compose a 250 word informal response to any of the following questions:

How would you characterize yourself as a reader when you started this class? How independent were you? What kinds of things would you read on your own? How often would you read on your own? Where or why would you read?

During the course of this semester, what kind of reading did you do? Was it easy to find things that interested you? Did you have trouble finding something you could stick with? How did you choose the things you read? Did you have trouble meeting the weekly page quota?

Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself checking your phone a lot, or do you ever lose yourself in the reading? Do you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

Now, at the end of the semester, have you changed in any way as a reader? Do you read the same types of books you did at the beginning, or have you discovered any new types of writing that you like? Are you more or less likely, do you think, to read independently this summer? What do you think you might read next?

After considering these questions, consider reading, visiting and commenting on your friends blogs, or continuing work on your anthology.

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