Friday, September 23, 2011

BlogLab Friday 9.23.11

1. Sentences of the Month. No new sentences this month; instead, let's simply choose our favorites of the first four weeks of the blog-year.

You should have four posts for sentences of the week now, from 8/26, 9/2, 9/9, and 9/16. Revisit them and pick the 3-5 that still stand out the most. Maybe they are especially original in the way they are put together, or maybe have a personal significance for you. Select them, copy them in, and write a sentence or two about why your winner is the best.

If you have not been keeping up with your "Sentences of the Week," you will have to visit your peers' blogs and select your best of the month from those.

Your "Sentences of the Month" post should also contain your "currently" information: books and pages read this week.

2. Total your bookmarks and hand them in. Be sure that you total them and write "Week 5" next to that total.

3. Overtime: read, or make a response post, or prepare "Close Reading #1," which is due Tuesday (typed, with an alias, remember), or play the class in Multi-Eight, room 1b.

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